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Historical Reference Books
Osprey: Gebirgsjager - German Mountain Trooper
$ 11.00
Osprey: Sharpshooters of the American Civil War 1861 - 65
Osprey: Verdun 1916
Osprey: Armor and the Anglo Saxon Wars
Osprey: Battle for the Falklands (1) Land Forces
Osprey: Battle for the Falklands (2) Naval Forces
Osprey: Battle for the Falklands (3) Air Forces
Osprey: Ardennes 1944: Peiper and Skorzeny
Osprey: Wellington’s Peninsula Regiments (1) The Irish
Osprey: Prussian Staff & Specialist Troops 1791 - 1815
Osprey: Medieval Scandinavian Armies (2) 1300-1500
Osprey: Medieval Scandinavian Armies (1) 1100-1300
Osprey: Roman Military Clothing (2)
Osprey: Britain’s Air Defenses 1939-45
Osprey: America’s Commandos - Special Operations Forces of WWII / Korea
Osprey: English Longbowman 1330 - 1515
Osprey: British Cavalryman 1792 - 1815
Osprey: Germanic Warrior AD 236 - 568
Osprey: British Redcoat 1740 - 1793
Osprey: The Cossacks 1799 - 1815